Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays
Manny's back - .NET SIG
Thursday January, 17th 7:30PMAn in-depth look at Visual Studio/Express 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Framework
Officer and Director Responsibilities
Officers & Board Members | Contacting ACGNJ | Getting Involved with ACGNJ | Personal Pages and Email IDs | BOD Info | Constitution | By-Laws | Ask the Guru | Membership Application | Officer & Director Responsibilities | Chairperson Responsibilities
There is nothing here written in stone, granite, concrete nor even soft Jell-O.
All is subject to change at BOD whim.
Designated responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Attend ALL BOD meetings.If you can't attend the BOD meeting; mail, e-mail or phone to indicate why you can't attend to the President or his alternate prior to the BOD meeting.
- Read and be familiar with the Constitution & Bylaws of the club.
- Only Officers and Directors may vote on BOD issues.
- Officers;
- All Officers hold their position from Jan. 1st until Dec. 31st of that year. Outgoing officers and directors should bring all ACGNJ material to the club January BOD meeting so the incoming officers will be properly informed on all club matters.
- Normally Officers may not hold the same office for more than two years in succession
- At no time unless otherwise directed by the President is anyone authorized to represent themselves as other than the office you hold or were elected to.
(This has caused problems in the past with directors, SIG chairpersons or members claiming to be an officer when they are not!)
- President;
- The buck stops here. The President is the reigning supreme person responsible for all Club Activities, Issues and Problems.
- The Pres. main job is to preside over all BOD meetings, and assure all activities occur according to Robert's Rules of Order
- The President may NOT submit motions to the board, (s)he may suggest motions. Motions may only be submitted by other officers or directors.
- Vice-President;
- The main responsibility of the VP is to take over events, activities and issues when the President can not for what ever reason.
- The VP has the responsibility and authority of the Financial Committee Chairperson, and should make themselves aware of all financial, insurance and sub-group monetary issues.
- The vice president should become familiar with the Robert's Rules of Order so (s)he can answer questions relating to proper Meeting activities (Parliamentarian)
- Treasurer;
- The treasurer has the main responsibility of handling all the monetary transactions.
- Assure all taxes and State Annual Reports are sent in on time.
- Pay all fees, charges, debts, invoice, liability and obligation promptly and in a timely manner.
- The Treasurer has the responsibility of keeping a accurate monthly tally of all income and expenditures for the club. The Treasurer shall present a full and accurate treasurer report, Profit and Loss statement, Balance Sheet, etc. to the attending members at the First Friday in December Business Main Meeting.
- Recording Secretary;
- Records the minutes of the BOD meeting and take other notes relevant to the BOD.
- The minutes shall be typed and sent to all officers and directors, and to whomever else the President elects as soon after the BOD meeting as possible. (recommended via e-mail to keep costs down).
- Corresponding Secretary;
- The Corresponding Secretary handles any and all club correspondence.
- The CS should pick up the mail from the post office on a regular schedule, or designate someone else to do this. The schedule should not allow more than one weeks mail to accumulate at the post office.
- Contact the Post Office on a regular schedule to make sure there is enough money in the postage account for upcoming mailings (newsletters).
- The above two secretaries have been combined.
- Past President
- Be there to help the officers, and ensure continuity on events, and issues active in his tenure.
- Directors;
- Directors are elected to 2 year terms and hold their position from January 1 until December 31 of the succeeding year.
- The elections are held for Directors 1/2 on odd years, and 1/2 on even years.
- Directors may be re-elected as many times as the membership wishes.
News and AnnouncementsThe printed newsletter has gone all-electronic. Be sure to click "Change Only" on the form.
Planning Meeting Revue
Baby sit the ACGNJ table for 4hr and get in free and/or check out Greg's Gaming at the next Computer show. See for details.
Various Images taken over the past few months.