Chairperson Responsibilities
Officers & Board Members | Contacting ACGNJ | Getting Involved with ACGNJ | Personal Pages and Email IDs | BOD Info | Constitution | By-Laws | Ask the Guru | Membership Application | Officer & Director Responsibilities | Chairperson Responsibilities
There is nothing here written in stone, granite, concrete nor even soft Jell-O.
All is subject to change at BOD whim.
SIG, Group and Activity leaders
Designated responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Conduct business at all meetings for your SIG, Group or Activity.
You may designate an alternate, but you are responsible for and issues and actions.
- Contact the speaker a few days in advance to ensure or confirm arrival, date, time, travel etc.
- Arrive early at the event to ensure all facilities and special issues have been taken care of.
- Open the meeting. Usually at 8PM, but up to the Chairperson to specify.
- Make building and club announcements.
- Make special announcements for upcoming events.
- Ask for new attendees, how they heard, encourage to join to get NL, and any giveaways.
- Short to-the-point random access question and answer session. Long discussions should be taken off-line.
- Introduce the host, speaker or topic.
- Take attendance (name rank serial-no)
Provide attendance data to the membership chair for record and insurance keeping issues.
This may be done on-line or via e-mail.
- Be available to assist in any developing issues regarding the club, event or personal disruptions.
- Help the speaker, answer queries about restrooms, phone etc.
Request disruptive persons to calm down or leave. Call police on ANY injury or incident.
The rescue squad does NOT have Band-Aids nor antiseptic, one might find them in the metal lockers.
This is YOUR meeting so make sure attendees enjoy it.
- Close the meeting, thanking the speaker(s).
Usually at 10PM or earlier (the room is usually available for the rest of the night if speakers run over)
- Ensure all facilities are in proper order;
Leave chairs and tables up except Friday or last meeting of the week,
equipment away soda & coffee away, all cabinets locked,
trash to the dumpster behind the building.
Ensure that there is a plastic bag in all cans ready for then next group.
Lights off and bottom door locked.
* Remember we are guests of the SPRS, so make sure you leave the place neat and clean.
- One may offer to continue discussions at one of the local restaurants;
Scottswood and Echo Queen Dinners have been used often in the past.
- Attend ALL BOD meetings to represent your SIG, Group or Activity.
Be ready with a report of what occurred, attendance and issues.
If you can't attend the BOD meeting; mail, e-mail or phone in a report
to the President or his alternate prior to the BOD meeting.
- Read and be familiar with the Constitution & Bylaws of the club and Robert's Rules of Order.
- On a regular basis announce and hold elections for the Chairpersons of the SIG, Group or Activity.
Yes, you can nominate yourself. Probably best early in the year Jan. meeting,
after the Main Meeting Officers and Directors elections in Dec.
Some Chairpersons may find it helpful to designate a co-chairperson.
- Plan all meeting topics, subjects, speakers and announcements well in advance of the event.
Provide details to the (any last minute details),
Newsletter Editor and Publicity for local newspapers, radio and TV announcements.
(as early as possible preferably 1.5 or more MONTHS in advance).
- Provide some way to contact you for newbies, members, officers and directors via e-mail AND phone!
- It would be helpful if you provided event data on a web page (see: Lunics & Java for examples)
News and AnnouncementsNew ACGNJ hosting site.
Old one
The printed newsletter has gone all-electronic. Be sure to click "Change Only" on the form.
2006 Planning Meeting Revue
Baby sit the ACGNJ table for 4hr and get in free and/or check out Greg's Gaming at the next Computer show. See for details.
Various Images taken over the past few months.