Directions and Map to
Scotch Plains Rescue Squad
Google Maps
SPRS Address:
1916 Bartle Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Train Schedules: NJ Transit
Penn Station NYC to/from Fanwood, NJ - Closest station
Westfield, NJ - Better bus service to local stop near SPRS
From New York City or Northern New Jersey: Take eitherRoute 1-9 or the Garden State Parkway to US 22 Westbound.
From US 22 Westbound: Exit at Park Avenue, ScotchPlains. The exit is after a MacDonalds Restaurant of the right,diagonally opposite solicitar tarjeta de credito the Scotchwood Diner on the left, andimmediately before the overpass. After exiting, turn left at thelight and use the overpass to cross US 22. Bear right at bottomof ramp to continue south on Park Avenue. Turn left at the secondlight (a staggered intersection). The Scotch Plains Rescue Squadis located on the right. It is a two-story brick building. Pleasedo not park in the row immediately next to the building. Wenormally meet upstairs, entering by the door at the right frontof the building.
From Western New Jersey: Take US 22 Eastbound to thePark Avenue exit. The exit is about a mile past Terrill Road andimmediately under the overpass. The exit is also about 1,000 feetpast Sears on the right and the Blue Star Shopping Center on theleft side of the highway. Exit onto Park Avenue South and followthe directions above to the Rescue Squad Building.
From Southern New Jersey: Take Parkway north to Exit135 (Clark). Stay on left of ramp and follow circle underParkway. Bear right onto Central Avenue; follow to Westfield andunder RR overpass. Left at light onto North Avenue; follow tolight in Fanwood. Right onto Martine (which turns into ParkAvenue). Right onto Bartle Avenue in middle of shopping district,and follow the US 22 Westbound instructions.
From I-78 (either direction): Take exit for ScotchPlains (Exit 41) and follow the signs to US 22. Turn right at thelight at the bottom of the hill and use the overpass to crossover US 22. Follow the US 22 Westbound directions.

The Scotch Plains Rescue Squad is where we have our meetings.Just go in the white door on the front and that will take you to the upstairs meeting room.
Please don't park in the first two rows of parking next to the building.These are reserved for Squad members.
Directions from The Garden State Parkway. (PDF)
Yahoo!: Map
Mapquest: Map of Scotch Plains Rescue Squad:
Google: Scotch Plains Rescue Squad